FEMALE HAIR LOSS TYPES. What Stage are you in?

FEMALE HAIR LOSS TYPES. What Stage are you in?

In female hair loss, the chart below is know as the Ludwig scale it is used measures overall thinning and hair density. Compare your own hair to the charts to determine which stage of hair thinning you are closest to.

In order to determine the best solution for your hair loss, it is important to understand the different stages of hair loss.



Savin Scale (Savin 1994). The Savin scale measures overall thinning of the crown scalp, and consists of 8 crown density images reflecting a range from no hair loss to severe hair loss (Stages I-1, I-2, I-3, I-4, II-1, II-2, III, advanced). The ninth and final image in the scale demonstrates frontal anterior recession.
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